Barley's Homebrewing Supplies

Products and Services

  • Beer Homebrewing Supply Equipment Kegging Accessory Book Merchandise,
101-455 Columbia St E, New Westminster, BC V3L 3X6
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Opening Hours *Holiday hours

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Meet the owner

“It’s this almost godlike thing,” says Curtis, owner of Barleys Homebrewing Supplies, with not a hint of hyperbole, “your friends respect you for it, and it’s a ton of fun!” The way he speaks about brewing beer, it’s clear that Curtis has found his higher calling in the hobby that is taking the world by storm.

“Craft beer is exploding right now in North America, but especially on the West Coast,” Curtis says. “People are realizing that huge companies with giant breweries aren’t necessarily the key to making good beer. With a small operation and the right supplies, you can do it yourself.” That do-it-yourself spirit fuels Barleys Homebrewing Supplies, and Curtis is eager to help customers take their first steps towards brewing their first batch. He’s also happy to give advice on the final touches of that recipe they’ve been trying to perfect for years.

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