Tips for hosting Muslim friends during Ramadan

November 3, 2015

Tips for hosting Muslim friends during Ramadan

Ramadan is a month-long period of fasting, prayer and charity observed by Muslims. Non-Muslim hosts can welcome Muslims into any gathering by considering the Islamic calendar, the time of day, and the food being served to help their guests feel comfortable.

Tips for hosting Muslim friends during Ramadan

When is Ramadan?

There are 12 months in the lunar-based Islamic calendar. The ninth month, Ramadan, occurs a little earlier every year when compared with the Gregorian calendar. The period of fasting commences when a crescent moon is spotted and ends with the next crescent moon. Sometimes a crescent moon has not been sighted due to weather conditions. In this circumstance, Ramadan will end 30 days after the fasting began.

What time of day is the best?

Muslims who observe Ramadan fast from sunrise to sunset. They typically rise before dawn and eat a hearty breakfast called suhoor. When scheduling a celebration during Ramadan, be sure to time it around sundown so that Muslim guests are able to participate. Devout Muslims may also need to pray. If so, they only need to calculate the direction of Mecca (the Muslim holy city) and pray according to their traditions. A thoughtful host or hostess might note the direction of Mecca before their guests arrive.

Culinary restrictions

A variety of vegetables, meats, breads, and legumes are appropriate to serve Muslim guests. Muslims do not eat pork and many eat halal meat. Halal meat can be prepared the same way as non-Halal meat. It is found in traditional middle eastern kabobs, but also in curry dishes and nondescript pot roasts. Finding a local halal butcher and serving this meat will go a long way to allowing Muslim guests to enjoy their meal. Muslims generally do not drink alcohol, although many do. Simply having a few non-alcoholic beverage choices will help make all non-drinkers feel at ease.

From warm greetings to thoughtful food selection, non-Muslim hosts can easily welcome Muslims into their gatherings, even during Ramadan.

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