Remedies against acne

June 19, 2014

Effective remedies against juvenile and adult acne.
Acne, which varies in intensity from an occasional blemish to acute cystic inflammation, is the most commonly reported skin disorder. For some people, acne clears up over a short period of time, while others experience eruptions throughout their life resulting in scaring and skin damage. Here are some known and trusted treatments that can help.

Juvenile acne

It’s estimated that almost 70% of young people and adolescents suffer from this skin disease. Acne can undermine the self-confidence of teens already struggling with the awkward effects of puberty. Really bad acne can heighten anxiety and even trigger depression or other nervous disorders. Before starting treatment, especially for extreme cases, it is important to consult your doctor, pharmacist or be referred to a dermatologist.

Adult acne

If acne persists as you transition to adulthood, it becomes less and less likely that it will disappear by itself. Therefore, we must consider more drastic measures, for example the use of antibiotic, or isotretinoin cream. All of these treatments require a prescription from a specialist. Accutane (Roaccutane), has been linked to serious health complications; despite the controversy some patients refer to it as a "miracle drug"

A few common acne treatment procedures:

Facial cleansing

Washing your face daily with a gentle, non-irritating cleanser is a way to prevent outbreaks and fight mild acne.


Some moisturizers work wonders on skin problems, including acne.

Products containing salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide

Products containing salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide (such as Clearasil, for example) are among the best known acne treatments and are sold around the world. Acids may be effective, but they are not for everyone. These creams and gels are very drying, so if you’ve tried it but haven’t noticed any improvements, you should stop using them.

Adjust your nutrients intake

Closer to myth than reality, the impact of diet on acne has never been fully correlated, and the subject is still up for debate. However, many experts recommend eating more fruits and vegetables for healthier overall skin.

Hormone therapy

Acne is often caused by hormonal fluctuations. Treatments which balance aggravated hormone levels work well as an acne treatment. Women are routinely told of the benefit taking oral contraceptives will have on their skin.


Derivatives of vitamin A, treatment with retinoids are very effective in some cases.


Although acne is not an infection, antibiotics can help symptoms.

Isotretinoin (Accutane)

It is considered a miracle cure by several patients, however the list of potential side effects is long, and close supervision by a physician is required.

Stress reduction

Stress can play a role in many cases of skin irritation.

Reducing the use of cosmetics

Makeup and other cosmetics can cause certain types of acne and contribute to the development of clogged pores, blackheads, red bumps and other skin problems.

Remedies against acne
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