How to enjoy the nutritional benefits of strawberries

October 9, 2015

Strawberries are delicious, low in calories (about 40 per cup), and very high in vitamin C. In fact, weight for weight, they are a better source of this vitamin than oranges.Here are some tips on adding strawberries to your diet for their nutritional benefits.

How to enjoy the nutritional benefits of strawberries

Nutritional benefits of strawberries

  • A 250 millilitres(one cup) servings contains about 90 milligrams, or 100 percent of the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of Vitamin C for adults.
  • Strawberries are also a good source of folate; 250 millilitres (one cup) provides about 30 micrograms),or roughly seven percent of the RDA
  • One cup of strawberries provides 250 milligrams of potassium, three grams of fibre and useful amounts of riboflavin and iron.
  • The seeds in strawberries provide insoluble fibre, which helps prevent constipation; however, they can be irritating to people with such intestinal disorders as inflammatory bowel disease or diverticulosis, a condition in which small pouches bulge outward along the intestinal wall.
  • Strawberries are a good source of pectin and other soluble fibres that help lower cholesterol.
  • Strawberries contain bioflavonoids, including red anthocyanin and ellagic acid, substances that may help prevent some cancers.

Cooking and storing strawberries

  • Cooking does not destroy ellagic acid, so even strawberry pie and jam may be beneficial. Remember, though, that these usually have a very high sugar content.
  • Strawberries can be stored whole in the refrigerator for a few days (if sliced, the berries will gradually lose their vitamin C).
  • Wash strawberries well, as they may have pesticide residues.
  • Unwashed strawberries also have been linked to outbreaks of infectious diarrhea.
  • To avoid molding, wash the fruit just before serving it.
  • Because strawberries contain a common al­lergen as well as a natural salicylate, an as­pi­rin­-like compound, many people are allergic to them.
  • They also contain oxalic acid, which can aggravate kidney and bladder stones in susceptible people, and reduce the body's ability to absorb iron and calcium.

Aside from being delicious, people in many cultures have found strawberries useful for certain conditions. The Chinese, for instance, claim that a handful of the red berries is a cure for a hangover. They are also said to whiten teeth and are used to get rid of garlic breath.

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