Feeding your teenager

October 9, 2015

Eating patterns change with the onset of the adolescent growth spurt; teenagers usually develop voracious appetites to match their need for additional energy. At the same time, many develop erratic eating habits — for example, skipping breakfast and snacking almost nonstop until bedtime. Read on to learn how to encourage your growing teen to develop healthy eating habits.

Feeding your teenager

1. Eating machines

Although snacking is not the ideal way to eat, a "food on the run" lifestyle won't necessarily cause nutritional problems as long as the basic daily requirements for protein, carbohydrates, fats and various vitamins and minerals are met. You can generally keep your teenager out of nutritional danger by providing snacks that are high in vitamins, minerals and protein but low in sugar, fat and salt.

This basically means buying healthful snack foods, such as fresh and dried fruits, juices, raw vegetables, nuts, cheese, whole-grain crackers, unadulterated popcorn and yogurt — not candy, cake, cookies, potato chips, corn chips and soft drinks.

1. Foods for teenagers

Adolescents need more of everything to keep up with the massive teenage growth spurt: calories and protein for growth and to build muscles; and protein, calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D for bone formation. For many the demands of school and social life mean that they eat meals away from home; suddenly they are responsible for choosing the major part of their diet. Some may not make the best choices.

Others may use food to establish an identity, such as by becoming a vegetarian, without knowing how to maintain proper nutrition. Both obesity and eating disorders can plague adolescents. A sensitive approach is necessary in order to help an adolescent maintain a positive self-image and professional help may be necessary.

2. Building bone

Calcium is important for forming strong, healthy bones during adolescence and preventing osteoporosis later in life.

  • Youths 10 to 16 years old need three to four milk-product servings a day — the equivalent of 500 millilitres (two cups) of milk and one to two ounces (30 to 60 grams, or two slices) of cheese, or 750 millilitres to one litre (three to four cups) of yogurt — every day.
  • If teens are not drinking milk, they can try a smoothie, fortified soy beverages, cheese on a sandwich or even chocolate milk.

3. Snacking and fast food

  • Teenagers often prefer snacks loaded with fat, sugar and salt: potato chips, French fries, hamburgers, hot dogs, pizza and candy bars.
  • These are high in sodium and strike a poor balance between calories and nutrition; a steady diet of them is low in vitamins A and C, calcium and dietary fibre.
  • Encourage teenagers to choose grilled chicken (not breaded), sandwiches with lean meats or a slice of vegetarian pizza.

4. Teens and screens

  • Several studies have documented associations between number of hours of TV watched, computer and video game time and the rate of obesity.
  • Moreover, heavy TV watching has been associated with higher intakes of calories, fat, sweet and salty snacks and carbonated beverages in children. This may be due to increased exposure to advertising campaigns for these foods.
  • Help your teen find a sport that will keep them motivated, socialized and energized so they will maintain a healthy body weight and develop muscle tone and increased fitness.

Follow these guidelines to ensure your teenager gets the proper nutrition needed to achieve optimal health.

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