Whether the pockmarks are superficial or deep, it is possible to get rid of acne scars on the back. Methods vary according to the condition of your skin.
July 8, 2014
Whether the pockmarks are superficial or deep, it is possible to get rid of acne scars on the back. Methods vary according to the condition of your skin.
Acne is an inflammatory condition of the sebaceous glands; it’s caused when sebum, or oil, plugs the hair follicles. Acne doesn’t just occur on the face; the neck, shoulders, upper arms, and back are also commonly affected. Although some cases are fairly minor, some acne entails more of a risk of scarring.
Light scars can usually be effectively healed with remedies from Mother Nature. Among them, lemon juice has been proved by many people to be an effective way to get rid of acne scars on the back.
Because lemon juice makes the skin more sensitive, do not use it on the face, and wear clothing to keep the new skin from being exposed to the sun.
The same procedure can be used with these natural remedies:
Tretinoin-based creams and gels are also available in stores and can be used to treat superficial scars. They are said to increase the production of new collagen in the skin.
Severe acne usually leaves larger and deeper scars, which can also affect the skin’s colour. In these cases, a health care professional like a dermatoglist should be contacted.
Chemical peelings are often used to permanently and effectively get rid of acne scars on the back. This process burns away the superficial layer of skin, allowing new skin to form.
Laser treatments are popular as well. Because burning is involved in both instances, you will have to allow the skin some time to heal before it begins to look more uniform.
Microdermabrasion involves “sanding” the skin with an abrasive-tipped instrument.
To keep your skin looking beautiful once the healing is over, adopt a few healthy habits to control future outbreaks of acne.
It might not be easy to get rid of acne scars on the back, but it can be done. Patience is the key, but you’ll find it’s well worth the wait. Imagine being able to go to the pool or beach without the dread of pulling off your t-shirt!
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