A guide to understanding the use of pesticides in fruits

October 9, 2015

Because fruit trees are particularly vulnerable to a variety of worms, flies and other destructive insects, most growers use pesticide sprays to keep them in check. Read on to learn how to safely consume fruit that has been sprayed with pesticides.

A guide to understanding the use of pesticides in fruits

Common concerns

Many people worry that residues of pesticides pose a substantial health risk.

  • Experts stress, however, that the pesticides used on fruit trees in North America meet specific safety standards and that the health benefits of eating fruits outweigh any risk.
  • Even so, fruits should be washed well before eating, and some should be peeled.
  • These include apples that have been sprayed with a wax to extend their shelf life and to make them more attractive. The wax itself is harmless, but it seals the skin and prevents pesticide residue from being washed away.

Wash your fruit

  • Citrus fruits are often coated with fungicides and other pesticides to prevent mold growth and fruit fly infestation. Ordinarily, this practice would not pose a problem because the peels are discarded. But if you are using the zest of fresh ­citrus peels, wash the fruit thoroughly.
  • This is also a good precaution to follow before squeezing the juice from citrus fruit.
  • Don't use soap when washing produce. You may consume the soap residues.

Fruit from overseas

Imported fruits may be more hazardous than those grown locally, because pesticides that may be banned in North America may be used abroad.

  • There are safety standards for imported foods, which are also subject to inspection, but not every batch of imported food can be tested for pesticide residues.
  • Consequently, consumer groups warn against eating imported fresh produce.
  • It's probably unnecessary to go this far, but it is a good idea to be extra diligent about washing imported fruits and other produce before eating them.

Organic options

Anyone who is uncomfortable eating foods that have been treated with pesticides can shop for organic produce that has been grown without the use of these substances.

  • Be prepared to pay more for organic produce, however, and don't expect it to look as perfect as foods that have been grown using pesticides.
  • Also make sure you inspect the foods carefully for moldy or blighted spots; these may harbour natural cancer-causing agents.

Fruit sprayed with pesticide is safe to consume, but should be washed thoroughly. Keep this guide in mind and enjoy your clean produce today!


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