4 simple-to-follow tips to prevent skiing related injuries

November 26, 2014

While on vacation, the last thing you want is a trip to the hospital. Here are four simple-to-follow tips to prevent skiing related injuries from stopping the fun.

4 simple-to-follow tips to prevent skiing related injuries

Skiing is a physically demanding sport. The chance of injury increases if you're unsure how to prevent or avoid them. Even before you hit the slopes, here are four simple-to-follow tips you should know to help reduce your risk of getting hurt.

The top 5 ski injuries

The most common injuries fall into these categories:

Head injuries: even seasoned skiers can bump their head too hard after wiping out on the powder. Always wear a helmet!

Knee injuries: they can happen for a number of reasons. However, most doctors have pinpointed lack of conditioning, experience, and poor ski bindings to be the primary culprits.

Shoulder injuries: they can range from strains, to fractures, to dislocations. Usually, these injuries are caused by falls or awkward landings.

Spinal injuries: they're typically caused by falls. Even small, less impactful falls can injure the spine. These are considered emergency situations and should be treated by a professional immediately.

Thumb injuries: they're not considered to be too serious. Still, thumb injuries can be painful and inconvenient. Injuries include fractures and strained ligaments that occur due to the way in which a skier holds their poles or lands on their hands.

4 simple-to-follow prevention tips for ski safety

You can be proactive about staying safe on the slopes.

1. Make sure your equipment fits and is in good shape

The majority of injuries are a result of poorly kept bindings, old skis, and simply not knowing how to use the equipment.

  • If you’re borrowing a friend’s ski equipment, go to a ski shop and ask a professional to check everything out for you. Test out a few different slopes so you can get the hang of your equipment.

2. Condition yourself before ski season arrives

Reflexes and skill are developed over time. Take a note from athletic greats—cross train with other forms of cardio, and do some weight lifting.

  • Many injuries are simply due to the skier being tired or physically poorly prepared for the slopes.

3. Never ski cold

Warm up your muscles with some vigorous arm circles and deep-seated squats or lunges.

  • Warm muscles will always perform better than cold or stiff ones.

4. Relax your body if you fall

Do not tense up or become rigid, if possible. Many ski injuries result from the natural reaction to stiffen our arms, spine, or legs.

  • Rolling into the fall is a better way to potentially avoid any fractures that could result from a stiffened impact.

Skiing is an almost magical sport that gives both professional and hobbyist athletes a rush. Make sure that you’re prepared and understand the risks of skiing before you take on that freshly powdered run.

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