3 tips for fixing water garden leaks

July 28, 2015

Water gardens are a popular outdoor water feature. They're a soothing, restful landscape element — as long as they don't leak. Here's how to track down and fix three common types of leaks.

3 tips for fixing water garden leaks

1. Fixing a hole in the liner

  • The toughest part about fixing a hole in a liner is finding its location. Let the water level drop; the water will stop draining at the level of the leak. Transition areas where ponds flow over waterfalls or into other ponds are common problem spots. Carefully move plants and rocks, and examine the liner.
  • Once you find the hole or slash, scrub the area with a scouring pad to remove dirt and debris, then dry the area thoroughly.
  • Using a repair kit (around $10 at garden centres) apply the adhesive and patching material, then let it dry and cure based on directions.

2. Fixing a sagging liner

  • Flexible liners can settle and water will creep over the edge. Look for wet spots around the perimeter of the pond, then prop up the sagging liner by raising the edge up with soil. Water can also use plants or exposed areas of soil to climb up and out of a pond.
  • The solution is to move the plants away from the edge of the pond or create a break in the "bridge" to stop the wicking.

3. Fixing a leak in a pipe or hose

  • Check the soil around pumps, valves and hoses for wet areas.
  • If the leak is in a pipe or hose, carefully unearth the pipe. Then, with the pump running, track down the exact location of the leak. Sometimes the solution is as simple as retightening a hose clamp.
  • If a hose or pipe is leaking, the simplest solution is often to splice in a new section.
  • Keep these tips in mind the next time you spot a leak. Fix it, and then get back to enjoying your beautiful water garden.
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