Nutrition, Naturopathic Medicine, Prenatal Massage, Psychological Counselling, Registered Massage Therapy, Massage Therapy, Injury Rehabilitation, Acupuncture Therapy, Active Release Therapy (ART), Chiropractic Care, Chiropractors, Custom Orthotics, Active Release Techniques
At The Brooklin Natural Health Centre our goal is to provide comprehensive, natural health care based on the best available clinical and scientific evidence. Our team, led by owner...more...See more text
Family Medical Care, Walk-In Clinic/Urgent Care, Nurse Practitioner, Chiropractic, Massage Therapy, Counselling / Psychotherapy, Uninsured Service
The Medical Trust Clinics at the Oshawa Health Centre located at the corners of Simcoe and Adelaide streets in Oshawa, Ontario, is a contemporary and innovative environment determi...more...See more text