Torontonians have long treated their Sunday morning hangovers with an indulgent brunch and a boozy Caesar, thus making the city’s selection decisively competitive. If you’re still reeling on your bar tab from last night, keep calm, because knocking back a glass of the beloved Canadian cocktail doesn’t have to break the bank. Here’s are some of our fave spots in Toronto offering unconscionably cheap Caesars.
Only three things are certain in life as a Torontonian: the ineptness of the Maple Leafs, the unreliability of the TTC, and that no matter the time of day, even Christmas morning at 3 am, the Lakeview will be open. Keeping our brunches buzzing since 1932, ol’ faithful serves daily $4 Caesers before 5 pm (3 am is before 5 pm, right?)
This temple to all things tipsy is certainly worth the trek up to the Annex – or more specifically, the pilgrimage. Head here for "Salvation Sundays," where they're saving the besotted, one $4 soul-snuggling Caesar at a time.
With some of the best hair-of-the-dog specials in the city, we love O'Grady's because it's perhaps the one place in Toronto where no matter how inhumanly hungover we are, there are a dozen people here in worse shape, due to its proximity to the U of T campus. Schadenfreude is actually the best medicine. That, and eminently affordable Caesars – $3.50 each, every Friday.
Another pub heroically pushing through to the sub-$4 range, Hurricane’s is the spot for the sports buffs among us. Hangover-nursing Leafs fans can typically be found in this Bloorcourt canteen every Saturday and Sunday, erasing last night’s epic collapse from memory, $3.50 at a time.