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Business listings in Sainte-Marthe delivers extensive business directory listings for in and around the Sainte-Marthe, Quebec region. With the most comprehensive listings of categories online in Canada, gets you connected. If you live near Sainte-Marthe, discover the best independently reviewed businesses by your home, with .

Montreal is overflowing with restaurants from around the planet and it is a real pleasure to explore new foods and new flavours. Those who have chosen not to consume meat – diligently, or not so diligently – can easily enjoy a good meal with accents from around the world! Here are a few of them.
It’s time to warm up for a good cause! Few things could be more enjoyable than participating in La grande tournée du chocolat chaud. Chocolatiers and pastry chefs welcome you from January 16-24, 2016, with a very special range of Valrhona hot chocolates, sold for $3 a cup. From this amount, 50 cents will go to la Tablée des chefs, whose mission is to provide food to people in need and provide culinary education to youth.
Looking for a good sandwich to satisfy your hunger? Let the famous Bob le Chef advise you! Here are the places where he goes to when it comes time to find a sandwich that will fill him up with great flavours.
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