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Business listings in Waterloo supplies full contact information for in and near the Waterloo, Ontario area. With the largest business listings found in Canada, Yellow is your first choice for search. If you live near Waterloo, discover the best user-rated products and services by your home, with .
From high-end restaurants to family-run institutions, there are all kinds of Chinese restaurants in Toronto. While there are different service options, menus and cuisines, these Chinese eateries have something in common: they offer authentic and delicious food! Here are the best Chinese restaurants in Toronto. [Photo: Luckee soba noodles by Libby Roach]
Many restaurants in the city offer a special family-style meal where you can order a set menu or pick and choose items to share. Whether it’s a chef’s table experience or a daily occurrence, family-style meals have enjoyed a recent uptick in popularity. Here are the best large format family-style meals in Toronto.[Photo credit: iStock]
Once the leaves start falling and the weather cools down, people start hankering for pumpkin! One of the best ways to enjoy the increasingly popular flavour is in a freshly baked pie! Bakeries across Toronto make their own versions of the classic autumn dessert, the perfect end to a hearty fall meal. Here’s are your best bets for perfect pumpkin pie in Toronto.