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Business listings in Morinville

YP Canada maintains comprehensive business directory listings for in and around the Morinville, Alberta area. With the largest business listings found in Canada, Yellow Pages is your first choice for search. If you live around Morinville, discover new independently reviewed businesses close to you, with .

The holidays are a wonderful time to try new activities or to explore your community for Christmas-themed outings that only happen at this special time of year. These activities in Edmonton are appropriate for both kids and adults, and will leave you full of holiday cheer.
If you’re over six feet tall, chances are you have a few go-to replies in your back pocket, like your exact height and whether you play basketball. But, do you have a good place to grab clothes? There’s a few places in Edmonton that can help.
The local yarn shop is a fibre lover's best friend. There's nothing like being able to gaze at the array of colours and caress the softness of silk and alpaca in person. Whether you're a spinner, knitter, crocheter or weaver, you can find yarn and fibre to delight you at these shops in the Edmonton area.
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