At Kim Phat, our priority is to provide our customers with high quality food products at the best price. You will certainly discover many interesting high quality Asian products coming directly from Thailand, Vietnam, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and other parts of Asia.
I went inside this store today to eat at the restaurant which is located inside. After finishing eating, I left the restaurant by the door which i located inside the store itself. As I was leaving the store by the principle entrance gate, I was stopped by Sécurity Agent who pushed me back and restricted me to pass the exit in order to search for my bag ( school bag ) i had on me. I politely asked him him why he need to search my bag since I just came out from the restaurant beside? He didin't care and harrassed me for at least 10 min. I called for his Employer who was less then empathic. He said they need to search my bag even thought they have no proof whatsoever that I had stole anything. I told them it was wrong and I asked them why he doesn't check everybody else bags who were leaving the store except for me? They refuse to answer and let pass everyone else with A BAG. I felt very discriminated and insulted as I have been there for more then 20 years and I never received this kind of disgusting customer service from the store. I even buy all my food there usually. This store is the worst food store in Montreal with the worst customer service you can imagine. I let them search my bag and there was "NOTHING". They didint even apologize and told me to leave him. Disgusting again. I will never go there again in my entire life. They treat you all like "thiefs" and they can't even speak properly english OR "french" . This asian store is a great disgrace to Montreal Food store. Go there at your own risk.