201-134 Adelaide St E, Toronto, ON M5C 1K9
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Meet the owner

Go Pilates is a small, private Pilates company owned and operated by Sandra Brunner, an instructor in the Stott Pilates method. Sandra completed her training in 2002 and has been working one on one with clients ever since. The current Go Pilates studio, opened in 2008, is now Sandra’s third business venture. After running a large studio, she found that she spent too much time managing and not enough with her real passion — teaching. This led to the launch of Go Pilates, which now offers private, semi-private and small group classes.

While living in Budapest and working in the corporate world, a long distance friend in Toronto introduced Sandra to the benefits of Pilates. Eager to try it for herself, Sandra found an instructor in Budapest. She quickly realized that the corporate work environment was not a good fit for her and she dove into Pilates.

“It just felt good,” Sandra says of her first impression of Pilates. "I’ve always been a fitness person, and always active, so it just made sense.” Like yoga, Pilates requires a mind-body connection in order to be effective. This was just the change Sandra was looking for and she soon found herself on a plane to Toronto to complete certification.

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Editor’s Pick
Pilates classes in Toronto’s east end

Pilates classes in Toronto’s east end

Surrounded by the gorgeousness that is St. Lawrence Market, Go Pilates adds a little something special to your daily Pilates session. And with the option to choose from private or semi-private classes, you can really focus on sharpening your form. Owner/instructor Sandra can train you in Stott Pilates, as well as pre- and post-natal Pilates.

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