Cardamom And Cloves
440 Preston St, Ottawa, ON K1S 4N6
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Meet the owner

Spice shops aren’t exactly a common thing here in Ottawa. Most people are happy enough to buy in bulk and at the grocery store, but there are many reasons to shop at a place like Preston Street’s Cardamom and Cloves. First, this is the good stuff, and it’s fresh. Old spices lose flavour over time, and why would we want our food to be flavourless? Second, service. Owner, Jodi Samis, loves to cook and she wants your dish to taste the best it can, the way the cookbook author or chef intended it to taste.

Jodi recognized a gap in the market when she was trying to cook up her own dishes, and she opened Cardamom and Cloves to fill it. It was truly born out of a love of food.

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