If you’re longing for a workout that’s as easy as running and jumping around the school playground was, you can take a trip down memory lane at The Monkey Vault. It’s an indoor playground hosting workout classes that are demanding but fun. You can do parkour and “free running” training as well as gymnastics, breakdancing and circus arts. It’s a joyous romp around an indoor park – buckled by discipline and expert instructors. Hot tip: ladies who are intrigued but feeling shy, note there’s a separate parkour class for women.
Essentially a large warehouse filled to the brim with energy, The Monkey Vault is a speciality gym offering adult parkour classes. Whether your giftees are just getting into this movement or are already testing the waters, there's a class for them. Instructors encourage beginner to advanced parkour enthusiasts to take on the obstacle courses and get back to some serious play.