The Antenna Guys are holding a 'Selfie' contest - and anyone may enter. We will put some of the best pictures on our web-site and Facebook page. Grand Prize of $100 Gift Certificate from The Antenna Guys that can be used on Installation, Antennas, DVR or Accessories.
Found a cheaper price so we canceled our installation/order. Their response speaks for itself:
"why? Because you think I'm not allowed to have overhead and retail mark-up? Get real."
Poor customer service. Even if they did great work, I would never use them with that kind of attitude. They also have little patience answering questions and pressure you to place an order before having a full discussion about their services and costs.
Once they have your money forget trying to get anything done or repaired. Left my house seriously at risk in case of a lightning strike which is very important when you have an antenna on the roof. Had to pay someone else to come and correct their installation, when he saw what they had done he laughed until he saw the way they had grounded the antennta. Everything they did was shoddy and had to be corrected.