IMAGINiT Design Inc is a graphic design company in Dartmouth that specializes in signs of all types, shapes and sizes. Our creative design team is headed up by designer with many years of experience in all facets of art and graphic design, who specializes in cartooning. However, we can do everything from basic designs to more complicated and intricate designs. We provide graphic design for vehicles to achieve the billboard effect and help get the message out to customers. We assist in branding our customer's image for effective advertising. IMAGINiT Design delivers excellent quality of service, and our sales team are intuitive problem solvers who ensure our customers get the best buying experience and a product to suit every need.
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Regarding the Sandwich Board it has actually held up very well considering it is in the out door elements. The coroplastic sign that is mounted via 2 way tape had separated from the actual structure and when we were notified we went to the customer's site and repaired it at no charge however we noticed that someone had tampered with the sign. This sign is at the corner of Spring Garden Road and Dresden Row on the sidewalk and subject to anyone who may want to vandalize it. As a result we cannot repair it at no charge. We should mention that we have
sold hundreds of these sandwich boards and this is the first and only
complaint of this or another nature.
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