The Missionary Oblate Sisters of the Sacred Heartand of Mary ImmaculateThe congregation was founded in 1904by Archbishop Louis-Philippe Adélard Langevin, o.m.i. The Missionary Oblate Sisters of the Sacred Heart and of Mary Immaculate, more commonly known as The Missionary Oblates of St. Boniface, have as motto: 'Cum Maria Matre Jesu', 'With Mary the Mother of Jesus'. We are called to give preference to the most disadvantaged. After over a hundred years we still witness to the Living Christ by our dynamism and our joie de vivre.Our IdentityArchbishop Langevin had a vision, he dreamed of establishing a humble institute in his diocese, for the greater glory of God and the salvation of souls especially the souls of the children; this congregation would be known as the Missionary Oblate Sisters of the Sacred Heart and Mary Immaculate. The aim of this institute is teaching the youth and cooperating discreetly in the Catholic works of the parishes and missions...and this will be lived out in a spirit of faith, simplicity and dignitymore...See more text