Meaning of the Name HesquiahtToday we are known as Hesquiaht or h?iskwii, h?is?kwii?ath. The name h?iskwii is derived from the word h?iis?h?iis?a, which when spoken is similar to the sound made when pulling seaweed through the teeth to remove herring eggs.Or, as Father Barbant once described, 'to tear asunder with their teeth so as to disengage from the weed the herring spawn which they eat.'OpportunitiesAs one of the most isolated communities in the Clayoquot region, the future of the Hesquiaht First Nation on traditional territory is dependent on affordable and sustainable transportation systems, on the development of community infrastructure and sustainable energy production, and on keeping or reattracting members to the community.Traditional Canoe MakingPinwa? was the largest of the canoes. It was mostly used for whaling. Pinwa? was also used for going to other villages for a proposal of marriage. When many families were invited to potlaches or feasts the pinwa? was the best canoe to carry all the people.Pacpinwa?more...See more text