This store has great stock and the owner is very knowledgable regarding the process or making the best wine tailored to ones own taste. I appreciate the care and time taken to walk you through any brewing issues!
I don't understand why they don't have knowledgeable staff. Every time I ask questions at the west end store about beer making outside of one of their brewhouse kits they have no idea how to help me.
Also, every time I look at their canned kits, the canned kits are past their expiry dates. Really not impressed.
Winning Wines Plus sells everything you need to make wine and beer at home. Their kits are tested by staff for quality, and the store prides itself on its award-winning wine concentrates. The store also offers free winemaking classes. Beer connoisseurs will love their selection of 17 kinds of Paddock Wood Ready Brew kits, including American Red Ale, German Koelsch, Vienna Lager, Honey Amber Cream Ale and Spitfire English Ale. For the Shop The Neighbourhood event, customers will receive $10 off each Paddock Wood Ready Brew Kit they purchase.