Please understand your co-payment portion are calculated based on the eligibility provided by your Insurance Company. The services charged are in the discreet direction of the Dentist providing the treatment. They are billed and sent to your insurance for processing under your insurance eligibility.
This is an example of our typical Check up and Cleaning (RECALL)
Recall exam: $75
Scaling 3u: $208
Polishing: $85
Bitewings 2 films: $48
For out-of-pocket payment the cost WITH NO INSURANCE: $416
Recall exam: $75
Insurance eligibility: $67
Scaling 3u: $208
Insurance eligibility: $208
Polishing: $85
Insurance eligibility: $62.46
Bitewings 2 films: $48
Insurance eligibility: $47.05
Your insurance will be covering $384.51 @ 100% eligibility. The co-payment determined by the insurance: $31.49
Your insurance provider does provide BOTH you, the policy holder, and the dental office a copy of the Explanation of Benefits. The policy holder has direct access via the respective web portal, or a smartphone app for the Android, iOS and other services to name a few.
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