Tips to get off the treadmill and enjoy nature

November 3, 2015

Let's face it, running on a treadmill is boring. Running outside is not only free, but it's also liberating. Imagine how many things you can expose yourself to by running through nature or your city? See how to transition off the treadmill below.

Tips to get off the treadmill and enjoy nature

No more treadmills

  • Not only is your wallet going to thank you for your new hobby, but so will your body and mind.
  • Forgot your headphones? No big deal. Enjoy the ambiance of nature or the sounds of the city on your run.
  • By turning your daily exercise into an adventure, you will not only free yourself from the routine and boring repetition of a treadmill, but you will also motivate yourself to get out and run more often.
  • Studies have even found that running outside strengthens your lungs more than running inside, especially in cold, dry air.

There's an app for that

  • Worried about not being able to track how far you've run or how many calories you've burned without the treadmill's display? Don't.
  • These days, you can find tons of free apps that will keep track of that and lots more for you while you run.
  • Also, these apps will allow you to map your run, keep track of your progress, and even share your accomplishments to social media for all of your friends to see if you so choose.
  • With apps like these available at your fingertips, you don't need to rely on mileage count on a treadmill screen.

Tell your friends

  • Spread the word. Tell your friends about all of the great benefits of running outside, and maybe your running will develop into a group sport.
  • You and your friends could start a running club to help each other reach your goals.
  • Having a running partner helps both runners hold each other accountable.
  • Research shows that if we have a partner to work out with, we are less likely to skip a workout, and more likely to push ourselves harder.
  • Lace up those running shoes, grab a friend or a GPS app, and go discover a new trail.
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