History of lighting
The ancient Chinese discovered natural gas while mining for salt, and burned it to create light underground. But the type of gas lighting that was to take over from the candle and the oil lamp began in France during the 1790s.
Gaslights were first installed on London's streets in 1807, and by the 1860s most of Britain's towns and cities were lit by gas. Early gas lamps burned dimly. Ceiling-mounted lamps with multiple flame fittings were designed to rival candle-burning chandeliers, previously a preserve of the church and the wealthy, but these "gasoliers" also produced a tremendous heat.
Competition from the early electric lamps in the 1880s led the Austrian chemist Karl Auer to produce an incandescent gas mantle, made of cotton fabric impregnated with thorium and cerium salts, which gave a brighter, whiter light and used less gas. The cotton burned away leaving behind the metal oxides that were heated to glowing point by the burning gas but did not, themselves, ignite. Light was now so dazzling that it became necessary to shield the eyes from it, leading to the first lampshades.