Diabetics: 3 easy ways to de-stress at the office

October 9, 2015

Stress in the office is a common problem that takes a toll on our health, but for diabetics that toll can be immediate and cause huge fluctuations in blood sugar and pressure. Fortunately, you don't need to be at the mercy of workplace stress with these 3 tips.

Diabetics: 3 easy ways to de-stress at the office
  • They don't call it "work" for nothing. Every day, you face different challenges to cope with, from meeting tight deadlines to dealing with difficult people to handling tasks that take special skills and intense focus.
  • When you have diabetes, problems at work can have a direct, immediate effect on your health. Stress can make your blood sugar go up or down and contributes to high blood pressure, which raises the risk of heart disease and stroke.
  • It can also weaken your resolve to eat healthy and exercise. So ensure that your time at work is peaceful, productive and conducive to living well with diabetes.

1. Keep your attitude in check

Start with your attitude. Stress isn't an external thing forced upon you; it's your internal reaction to what's happening around you.

  • And if you can control your reaction, you control stress.
  • Stay calm, even smile, at the challenges.
  • Tell yourself that you will emerge just fine; that other's people craziness need not be your craziness.
  • Remember that in the big picture, one day's drama will be quickly forgotten.

2. Aromatherapy

Studies have shown that pleasing, natural smells can relieve stress, especially when the scents are associated with positive memories.

Scents that are best known for their stress-reducing qualities include:

  • lavender
  • ylang ylang
  • geranium
  • lemon
  • Roman chamomile.

Get a bottle of essential oil of any of these fragrances from a health store, along with a small diffuser.

3. Plant therapy

Get some green plants that will survive well indoors.

  • Studies find that plants significantly lower workplace stress and enhance productivity.
  • Just the act of watering them or dusting their leaves can provide a brief, quiet moment of calm during your day.
  • Consider a bonsai plant, which requires a little extra Zen-like cultivation.
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