8 foods arthritis sufferers should avoid

January 31, 2015

While there's no known arthritis-stopping diet, it can help to avoid these foods that cause painful inflammation and lower the body's natural defences.

8 foods arthritis sufferers should avoid

Your diet

If you're suffering from arthritis, you're liable to moments of intense pain. You may not know that your diet plays a part in the symptoms you feel.

1. Fried foods

  • Fried foods, including fried meats and potato chips, are ill-advised for anyone suffering from arthritis.

Cutting back on fried foods can help lessen inflammation of the joints while effectively boosting the body's natural defences. Replace fried foods with fresh fruit and cooked or raw vegetables.

2. Red meat

Red meat supplies the body with protein but most adults don't need red meat to get their recommended daily dose of protein.

  • It's advised that sufferers opt for leaner, low-fat products like fish, beans and nuts. When cooking meat, don't fry or grill it.
  • Broiling or baking fish and poultry can provide greater health benefits.

3. Sugars and carbs

Food ultra-high in sugar and carbohydrates increases what are known as AGEs (Advanced Glycation End Products) in the body, which can damage your body's proteins and cause inflammation.

  • For this reason, arthritis sufferers should avoid unnecessary sugar and carbs.

4. Preservatives

  • Another taboo for arthritic people are preservatives, which are used to increase a food's shelf life, but can increase pain and inflammation in the joints.

5. Alcohol

  • Consuming large volumes of alcohol is a definite no-no for those suffering from arthritis or gout.

The consumption of alcohol over long periods of time can lead to joint problems, including arthritis, and encourage it to worsen in those already suffering.

6. Corn oil

  • Avoid certain oils like corn oil and palm oil.

Using these oils in cooking can greatly increase inflammation in the joints as a result of the large amounts of omega-6 fatty acids.

  • Use fish oil instead.

Omega-3 fatty acids have the reverse effect and are known to help the pain of those with rheumatoid arthritis.

7. Tobacco

  • Don't smoke.

Tobacco has been known to contribute to the onset of forms of arthritis, while leading to the worsening condition of arthritic smokers.

8. Excess salt

It's hard to know how much salt is in the food you purchase from the supermarket and it is important that sufferers be aware.

  • Salt can increase joint inflammation, which in turn leads to greater pain.
  • Be careful when shopping, as many companies load their products with salt to boost shelf life. Stick to a modest amount of salt in your diet.

What you put into your body

By being careful about what you put into your system, you stand a chance of lessening the pain and discomfort in your joints. While there is no diet specifically designed for sufferers, the foods mentioned above are best avoided.

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