4 exercises to strengthen your upper body

October 13, 2015

You'll sleep better at night and enjoy greater energy and vitality during the day after you've started regular strength training. Here are four exercises to help get you started.

4 exercises to strengthen your upper body

1. Biceps curls

  • Sit on a chair with your legs apart, your right elbow resting on your right thigh, and your left palm resting on your left thigh in order to support your upper body.
  • Hold a hand weight in your right hand, positioned near your collarbone. Slowly lower your right arm towards the ground until it is almost completely extended, but avoid locking your elbow. Slowly raise your arm towards your shoulder again.
  • Repeat, using your left arm.
  • Repeat four, eight, 12 or 16 times to make a full set. Do three or four sets for both arms.

2. Triceps curls

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Hold a single weight in both hands above your head (your arms should be fully extended).
  • Slowly bend your elbows and lower the weight behind your head down to your shoulders, then slowly raise your arms in the air again.
  • Repeat four, eight, 12 or 16 times to make a full set. Do three or four sets.

3. Upright rows

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Hold a weight in each hand, arms hanging down against the front of your body, thumbs touching.
  • Now, slowly bring the weights up your body to almost touch the outer tips of your shoulders, just above your chest (your elbows will be out to the sides like chicken wings). Then slowly return to the starting position.
  • Repeat four, eight, 12, or 16 times to make a full set. Do three or four sets.

4. Shoulder raises

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Hold a weight in each hand, with your arms hanging down against the front of your body, elbows not locked, thumbs touching each other.
  • Slowly raise your right arm straight up in front of your body to shoulder height so that your arm is at right angles to your torso. Slowly lower your arm back to the starting position.
  • Repeat the same movement with your left arm.
  • Repeat four, eight, 12 or 16 times to make a full set. Do three or four sets for both arms.

If you're ready to start strength training, including your doctor's approval of your new exercise regime, give these four exercises to strengthen your upper body a try.

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