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Business listings in Stony Plain

YP Canada presents complete contact information for in and about the Stony Plain, Alberta area. With the largest listings of categories available in Canada, will get you there quicker. If you’re near Stony Plain, discover the best user-rated businesses close to home, with .

With Halloween on the horizon, it’s time to lock down some party plans for the 18-plus crowd. From all-night ragers and local hip-hop showcases to “Thriller” dance offs and club crawls, here are 10 Halloween parties to check out in Edmonton this year.
When you’re on a restricted diet, it’s not always easy to find a place to eat out or grab goodies. Luckily, Edmonton has a lot to offer to those seeking great food that fits a variety of diets: vegan (egg and dairy free), vegetarian, ketogenic (high fat, low carb, no sugar), paleo (high fat, low carb, no dairy), diabetic (low sugar) or gluten free.
Linens may seem like a boring thing to purchase, but, if you search the right shops, you can find the most plush, decadent bath towels and pretty kitchen linens you’ll ever see. Having high quality bath towels is essential for a happy life and lovely kitchen linens – well, that just makes your kitchen all the more beautiful and fun.

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